Popular Q & A for Laser Hair Removal
Q 1: Is laser hair removal (LHR) is still effective for you or not? Q 2: Why some lasers are more effective than others in removing hair long-term, or in many cases, permanently? Here’s my answer: Customers need to find therapists who is not only have passion, time, dedication & devotion to customers’ results and overall health, but also understanding the science & techology of the treatments they perform and their machines/devices they are using. Your therapists need to understand & be able to apply these principles, click! AND To obtain ultimate greater reduction from laser, laser hair removal won’t be effective unless customers follow instructions (2 links) below: -- Before booking & coming for each appointment, click here! -- Client info for LHR: click here! Both therapists and customers also need to understand these => click here! ////////////////////// If both therapists and customers are following the principles mentioned abov...